Distro hopping

woking on new backgrounds
woking on new backgrounds

Written by: Dabiddo

Distro hopping

For the past year I have been using KDE Neon, it has serve me well, I really like it, but as with all other distros I have tried, it comes bloated with software I don’t use or don’t like, therefor I have been testing other Debian based distros to use as my main system, currently I’m running Vanilla-OS in a virtual machine and I kind of like it, but it comes with Gnome, so I’m currently on the look out for other debian based that comes with KDE, since I have become familiar with it.

Devpod all the things

Because I know in the near future, I will have to format my PC, I’m containarizing all my projects, and testing them on Devpod, so I can run them in other computers without the need to install VSCode and other packages.. I’m currently wiriting this post using Devpod & Browser VSCode.

Git Issues

I’ve been running into git issues when doing these containers, because I can’t seem to make VSCode accept my Git Key from the host machine, don’t know if its because of the latest update, but I was able to run git from within my devcontainers .. I think Chris Ayers mentioned something on his talk, on how to make the host machine and git trust the repo for devcontainers, I’ll have to do a bit of research on it.

Japanese Blog update

This week, I have also taken the time to finish the japanese blog, you can see the repo here: KizunaMx, I called it KizunaMexico for the works Kizuna means Bond, I have also the domain ready, just a few more touches and I can publish it.

Anyways that is it for this weeks update
