Life Update


Written by: Dabiddo

Posting after a while

sorry guys, I’ve had a lot of work lately and with the JLPT approching I haven’t had the time to write new posts.

In the little time I’ve had, I’ve been learning about new and exciting tools, one of which is SurrealDB, I found out about it through twitter, and read their homepage and after seeing a few code examples, I immeadiately downloaded the docker image to play with it.

I didn’t manage to do a lot, just the basic tutorial, but I do see a lot of future on surrealDB, hopefully they get to relase their version 1.0 soon.

Making sense of NestJs Microservices.

As of late, I’ve been learning Nestjs a NodeJs framework, for a job related project, I’ve been reading the documentation of the framework and also how to create microservices, since that is what we are using on the project.

I’ve followed the tutorial, and while I don’t fully understand 100% of the microservices ecosystem, I managed to follow the tutorial and create a basic TCP microservice and the Gateway microservice.

With that in mind, I got the idea od using NX, a monorepo layer to share packages between the microservices, and try to imitate how we are using it at the company.


While learning about microservices, I have been seeing a trend in youtube videos on no code tools, that peeked my interest because frontend is not one of my strong points, and I think I could use these no-code tools to deliver faster iterations of the software I’m building.

While doing a bit of research, I stumble on a React based framework to create internal tools.

While I don’t know react, reading the docs and doing the examples has helped me pick up the use of this framework fearly easy, plus it has conectivity with Rest Apis and NestJs, I’ve only used the Rest API that comes out of the box, but plan on checking out the NestJs plugin in the near future.