New Content for VWizard

I like my avatar
I like my avatar

Written by: Dabiddo

These past few weeks have been for some updating on the VWizard, most notably, I re-structure a bit the Astro.Js template to allow the default page template and the blog template, I also started the Nuxt + Pocketbase template, that is still in development, as I still need to test it a bit more.

Job Hunting

I’m still job hunting, I’ve been having lots of interviews, so thats good, but it hasn’t gotten to the job offer part, so fingers cross …


Because I have been busy with my current work, I haven’t had the time to update my japanese blog, I still have some stuff to publish from my list of posts, but I haven’t had the time to actually do the translation.

More side projects

Yes… I have another side project I’m thinking of, but I’m still evaluating how to do it, since it involves storing files, that involves security, and because its a side-project, I don’t really want to be put too much services.. that is the why of the Nuxt+Pocketbase template, I’m thinking of using pocketbase as a starting point and see where it goes from there.

New Kick and Youtube Channel

I started doing streamings, they’re pretty boring, since I don’t stream audio, only video
and I also opened a youtube channel, I only have one video on how to use VWizard, but once I get the hang on how to edit videos, I’ll upload a bitm more.
I’m also contemplating the idea of another youtube channel for my japanese studies.. but that idea is still in the oven, I want that channel to be a bit different, since it will be from a japanese student perspective.
