Upgrade to Astro 3

I need to upgrade my life!
I need to upgrade my life!

Written by: Dabiddo

I Upgraded to Astro 3

It’s been a few weeks since Astro 3 was released, but because I’ve been busy, I wasn’t able to do the upgrade, but this weekend I had time, and just like last time, the upgrade was easy and painless, just 1 command and my blog was upgraded to the latest version.

Minor Issues

Even though the upgrade was painles, running the local dev server was confusing, first I kept getting the NodeJs version error, upon reading the changes, I realized I was still using Node 16, which was dropped on astro 3, Also the change on the port, I’m accostumed to running my dev enviroment on port 3000, but astro changed it to port 4321. Other than that, I haven’t run into any serious issues.

What’s next?

Because I’m happy on how this blog is turning out to be, I have decided to open a new blog for my japanese studies, right now I’m running a private blog using write.as, but in order to really customize it, I have to upgrade to pro.. Hence I have decided to use the Astro & Netlify to host my new blog, more details coming soon.