VSCode .devcontainer Issues

My face looking for a fix
My face looking for a fix

Written by: Dabiddo


I’m working from personal computer, using KDE-Neon, I’ve been using linux for the past year or so, without issues, and the minor issues I’ve had, there is always a fix.

Come today, and after updating my distro, I tried running my devcontainer enviroment for astro, and behold, an error appears preventing me from starting my enviroment.

Looking at the logs, I found a pretty recent github issue as described in the temporary fixes, I added the builkit argument to my devcontainer.json file, and everything worked correctly

"build": { "dockerfile": "Dockerfile", "args": {
	} },

Problem fix right?

Not exactly, I have a NestJs enviroment that uses docker-compose.yaml files to run my enviroment and a MySql database. For the moment, that enviroment still fails.

By watching the logs, I see it overrides my docker-compose file with one that has BUILKIT_INLINE_CACHE:1 even if I set it to 0 on mine. hopefully it gets fixed soon, I see people having the issue when using docker-compose

Mini Update

Following the github thread, I opted for downgrading to Docker 20.10, I’m now able to run my NestJs docker-compose enviroment. for downgrading, I followed the official Docker Guide on installing a specific version
